#dc321 Non-Dominant hand
A difficult challenge! It took concentration to stay with
my non-dominant hand. I thought a dark brush pen would
be easier. It wasn’t. Rounding helped soften the awkward corners
and shading brought everything together. This was fun, after the fact!

Here is the new tangle first introduced at the CZT convention, zenAgain, last November was featured in the last Zentangle newsletter.
It was named after the Super Moon,
a rare astrological occurrence,
that occurred that night.
#dc307 Kitchen Table Tangles with Indy and Mazzy.
A fun new tangle, Zingo, was demonstrated by two of the most eloquent speakers
I’ve ever enjoyed watching. http://tinyurl.com/TangleZingo
My Toastmasters club would be seriously impressed!

The Diva’s Challenge is to use ZenLilyMoon’s tangle, Amphora, on the right. I enjoyed the tangle, but felt it need a little more, and a little more. Pretty soon the whole calendar page was full of color. The Spirals were a request of a couple students who wanted to know how to make them. So I figured out an easier way to do them.
#dc301 Duotangle of Paradox and DivaDance
Created on a white tile. filled background with deep black to make it all pop!
DC#296 UMT MooWa
I love the tangle MooWa (also invented by Cris Letourneau who named it Holliflux.)
I created this on a white 3Z tile using black and brown ink, embellished with gold Pearl-Ex powder and a Sakura Clear Stardust Gelly Roll pen. All of the tipple inside the Moowa is done with the Stardust pen. I’m pleasantly surprised how well is showed up in the photo!
I LOVE Tripoli!! This is a bowl I’m working on for the Empty Bowls Benefit that will be held at Cambier Park in Naples FL this January.
See the Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/emptybowlsnaples/
The view below shows the scale next to my favorite mug. You can see faint pencil lines showing where the design will come over the top onto the outside. I’m doing it with a product called Designer Liner. So there you are! My favorite mug, one of my favorite tangles, and my one of my favorite benefits!
Diva Challenge #272
This week the Diva’s Challenge took me to a campfire sing-along. From, “My Country ’tis of Thee,” to “This Land is Your Land,” I sang as I tangled. Here is my mash-up tangle of purple mountains majesty and amber waves of grain contained between sea to shining sea.
Diva Challenge #267: DuoTangle
Poke Root vs. Drupe
I haven’t shaded this yet, I’m still mulling over what to do.
Stay tuned for further developments.
Diva Challenge #266 Use My Tangle week
This week brings us one of my favorite tangles, Cruz, by Henrike Bratz, and as usual, I had a party with the shading. I added a faint touch of clear Stardust glitter pen that I smoothed with a water brush and in person it has a nice glow that’s not photogenic.
It was done on a standard 3.5″ tile.
I’m clearly still surfing the WordPress learning curve because the
tile below is a 2″ Bijou, and the one below that is a 4″ Zendala tile.
Diva Challenge #265 Stripes was fun.
This is done on a 2″x2″ Bijou tile, but the scale doesn’t show. I used Snail, of course, in honor of Bijou, Printemps, and Knightsbridge.
Diva Challenge #260 Shattuck really inspired me. I wondered how Shattuck would look on a 4″ Zendala tile. Shading, as usual, took me to unexpected places, and the yin/yang kept needing more depth, more depth.
You know when you’re done when anything more would be too much.

Shattuck is another of my favorite tangles. Half the fun is in shading which I did using a Derwent Medium water soluble graphite pencil. It takes a lot longer than drawing the tangle!

This is a gift I made for a friend who was particularly kind to me the year I discovered Zentangle®. The images and motifs are all from things in her guest house: a wicker dresser, glass blocks in the shower, a woven lamp shade, a wicker chair, fabric on a footstool, tiles on the floor, and motifs on a carved armoire.

A favorite because while it starts tidy, it usually spills out in unexpected ways. Yes, Laura, the trick is in the spacing between the triangles. As long as one leg of a triangle is parallel to one other triangle it works even when it goes wonky. When I relax into letting the pattern emerge instead of trying to “drive” it, the results are fun and the process enjoyable. I could play some more with this, but I think I shall call it complete and just enjoy the oddities in it..

Guest Blogger Sharla Hicks challenged us to create “Undulating Tangles in C and S minor”
I wondered, “What if I connected Crescent Moons with curves?” Even the string was a spiral using straight lines. Once I had drawn two aura lines I connected them all into beautiful undulating S curves. These curves are a major win! Thanks, Sharla!
The Diva challenged us to use the tangle, Munchin, and to create it on a black tile. Alas! I only had white tiles with me. In the spirit of the challenge I filled the background with dense black, and the lines just begged for rounding. This was a clear instance of being led by the tangle, and stopping in time.
The second Diva Challenge I ever entered is a tribute to Artoo and the Harms family.

Always a favorite for me. I love mindfully making each circle, and playing with shading to make it pop.
Your tiles are gorgeous! Especially like the first – this spectacular shadow gives volume and completeness figure!
Thank-you so much! Shading is as much a treat as creating the tangles and I think I spend equal amounts of time on it. I can get lost in shading.
Your tile is gorgeous!
Your three different tiles are all so very pretty but I think the simplicity of the first one is very clever indeed.
Thank-you Maggiebee! It was one of those things that took me by surprise. I totally love when that happens!
that first black and white tile is just adorable.
Lee Darter
So very original, GREAT!!!
All three are lovely, but I LOVE the simple elegance of the first one! Very creative!
I love how your mind went to new territory with the Crescent Moon tangelation. The shading is phenomenal! I also love, love, love your beads of courage tile. You must frame it or make a card of it or something beyond just filing it away. It really is wonderful. Your tipple is lovely too (how do you make plain old tipple lovely?) I really love how you used the hatching lines for shading. I think that makes the whole design with a delightful straight line contrast to all those orbs. Wonderful!
beautiful work
Beautiful tiles 🙂
J’aime beaucoup les courbes épurées du premier dessin.
I love the refined curves of the first drawing.
So lovely in its simplicity. The shading is so effective.
All are lovely! Especially I like the first one … it´s wonderful and original!
i loved the morphed crescent moon!
Beautiful Tripoli tile
All are very beautiful!
Whoa, just wonderful work.
Thank you Devin!
Gorgeous pieces. My favorite are the Beads of Courage, simply because of what they stand for.
Great work! 🙂
Hi Lily, It was fun to look around me and see so many patterns that I could use to make this, and great fun to make it. Thank you!
All beautiful.
Beautiful work! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Thank-you Anja! I hope your Christmas was filled with love, and this New Year brings you peace!
Wow! Love your Shattuck tile – your shading feels like sunlight just touches the upper reaches of Shattuck. Sunlight filtering through shadow. Hope you understand what I mean! ?
Thank-you! I love the way Shattuck folds back and forth on itself, and that’s just what the shading felt like as I did it.
That Shattuck tile is GREAT!!! I seems to be giving light.
Thanks, Annemarie. I meant to leave a wide white space border, but the tangle had other ideas that were better than my original intention.
Such a delightful adventure to go through and gaze at each of these creations. Lovely work!
Thank-you Jean. I love how the challenges draw me into deeper corners of my zen-brain. What a gift we’ve been given!
Pretty tiles!
Thank-you, Annemarie!
All of your tiles are wonderful. Your shading work is great. I love your thought about stopping when any more is too much.
Beautiful work! I wish you a Happy Weekend!
Thank-you Anja. I had a marvelous weekend on a short retreat. It was lovely!
So lovely Bijou with the stripes! Also I like your Stattuck-zendala!
Thank you! Bijou tiles are great fun! And it took forever to get the shading on the Shattuck Zendala tile dark enough—without going too dark. Oh boy!
I really like the depth you achieved with your Diva Challenge this week! I have seen the other delightful tiles before, but they are still lovely!
Thanks, Jean. Shading is where I go most into the zone,. It might be my favorite part.
Great Crux tile, very light and happy!!
Thank you, Patty. I really enjoy Crux, and it’s fun to see what else shows up.
I agree with you about shading – you really have got it down to a ‘t’. Lovely tiles. Axxx
Thank you, Annie! I just popped over to your site, and it’s wonderful. Your Globular Grid is quite amazing. I still struggle a bit with WordPress—the learning curve is challenging for me! Shading takes and smooths all that frustration right out.
Lovely Crux tile!
Thank-you Ilse! Finding Crux again was like finding an old friend.
Beautiful Crux tile! Love the shading.
The Crux tile is very well done.
Wonderful tile with Crux!
Your tile is really beautiful!
Love this bowl!!!
Wow! That bowl is amazing. Simple and stunning!
Thank-you, Jean! It was an amazing experience as it came together in a true Zentangle flow.
Wonderful and elegant bowl!
Thank you, Anette. It was so much fun to do!
Love your Moowa and gold Tipple!
Your Moowa tile is very beautiful!!
The 3Z Moowa tile is really delightful. It seems like something to hold in my hand like a small bird. And I love your yinyang lotus mandala zendala Shattuck creation!
Super Moowa!
I enjoyed your colourful Amphora! 🙂
Wow, everything is beautiful.
Wow, a little overpowering, but Fabulous. So much beautiful work, I loved visiting your Gallery!
Hi Danni, Yes, #Zingo can lead you into lots of unexpected corners, and figuring out how to get out of them is part of its charm. I think it will be a fun tangle to use.
All very nice pieces. I am familiar with the bowls project as our students contributed for years. Great idea to tangle a bowl.